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Still, there are male plants and female plants and to develop those types of characteristic (androgen) you need a steroid of which plants have their own version known as sterolsand androgens. Sterols are the ones that determine sexual development of plants (and of course they also give plants their physical characteristics - color, growth and etc). Androgens are the kinds of hormones produced by male plants or females and also are known to be in women, best legal steroids for muscle gain. "But what about plants without sterols – their androgens are still unknown, body types female! " said my friend who brought up the subject, best legal steroids men's health. And here is what I said: Sterols are actually an important part of the whole picture and the androgens and estrogens, which plants have, are basically the same and have very similar effects on plants and on people as well. I mean, the difference in their effects might happen because of other hormones or the presence of a particular kind of a hormone in the plants or on the people or both at the same time. But it's the androgens that determine sexual development and are also the ones that are used in male reproduction, best legal steroids for muscle growth. Now it's true that different androgen levels cause different effects on androgen receptor (AR) and on the human body (but not in plants either) but it doesn't mean that the different androgen levels must be completely reversed or eliminated in order to achieve the same effect. Sterols are the ones the whole reproductive system is built on – both to control the sexual development of plants and for human beings and for the reproductive and development of plants too, best legal steroids pills. I will show you now how they are distributed and their effects in plants. The way Sterols are distributed When males and females develop, they divide into gametes - the sperm cells that are carried in the ejaculate - and zygotes, best legal steroids south africa. A new gametes takes the place of the one that was broken (when the male or the female has lost it by being attacked or eaten by an undesirable organism or by death in the wild). The gametes are stored separately in various compartments (which we will discuss later – see "Structure of Reproductive Compartments" chapter), best legal steroids for sale. They can be found in the oviduct, in the testes in both males and females, types body female. But not just the oviducts, but also in the external reproductive apparatus, such as the spermathectome and the vas deferens which receive sperm and sperm motility. In males it is at the level of the seminal vesicles.
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